
Intermediates are all ages with a Grade 4 to Grade 7 skill level. These are students who are comfortable with their instruments and are looking to strengthen their technique and theory levels. These grades entail that students also learn to play in harmony with each other and all challenges their creativity.

Grade 4 (Early Advanced)
In Grade 4, students will build on their knowledge of the elements of music and related musical concepts that were introduced in Grades 1 to 3. Students will develop an understanding of musical concepts through participation in musical experiences that involve listening, creating, and performing (e.g., singing, moving, (playing instruments). We have introduced a Recorder karate program where each test and evaluation is rewarded with a Karate Belt colour that is associated with a certain proficiency level.

Grade 5 (Advanced)
In Grade 5, students will build on their knowledge of the elements of music and related musical concepts that were introduced in Grades 1 to 4. Students will develop an understanding of musical concepts through participation in musical experiences that involve listening, creating, and performing (e.g., singing, moving, playing instruments). We have introduced a secondary Recorder karate program where each test and evaluation is rewarded with a Karate Belt colour that is associated with a certain proficiency level. The concept is the same as in grade 4 but with more difficult tests and evaluations used to earn their belt levels.

Grade 6 (Advanced + )
In Grade 6, students will build on their knowledge of the elements of music and related musical concepts that were introduced in Grades 1 to 5. Students will develop an understanding of musical concepts through participation in musical experiences that involve listening, moving, creating, and performing (vocal and/or instrumental music). Band instruments are introduced to the students, consolidating the theoretical knowledge that they have accumulated from their past years in music education.

Grade 7 (Advanced + )
Skilled and seasoned, with a natural musical ear. This grade encompasses unique styles, experimentation and individual techniques. In Grade 7, students will build on their knowledge of the elements of music and related musical concepts that were introduced in Grades 1 to 6. Students will develop an understanding of musical concepts through participation in musical experiences that involve listening, moving, creating, and performing (vocal and/or instrumental music). Grade 7 brings the availability of the Concert Band which helps to develop their playing ability to a more proficient level as they are playing with the more experienced players in the school. All Grade 7s are encouraged to participate.

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